Welcome to
The Lorry Driver Club
The Lorry Driver Club is my way of saying thank you, having some fun and giving something back!
Once you're signed up, each time you are on a course, you get points.
See me and Albert out and about, you get points.
Points make prizes, for those old enough to remember! Prizes include CPC module and TMCPC discounts, free REALLY DECENT gifts like the lorry-driver.com winter shell jacket, and more.
Get to be part of the community, join up today!
Check out the video!
The details are still being finalised but already decided:
Each course : 5 points
Spot me and Albert out and about : 5 points
Join the Facebook Community : 25 points (for a limited time only!)
Leave a Google or Facebook review: 10 points
Take a selfie with Albert : 50 points
Complete Transport Manager CPC : 500 points
50 points gets you a fiver off or a baseball cap.
250 points gets you 5% off a TMCPC or a jacket.
